Artificial Intelligence
Medical & Nursing AI
Artificial Intelligence & Nursing Updated every 30 days
ANA Position Statement: The Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Practice
American Organization of Nursing Leadership (AONL): Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Nursing
AONL: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Nursing: Using technology to improve patient care and staff efficiency
Artificial intelligence in nursing: Current trends, possibilities and pitfalls Journal of Medicine, Surgery, and Public Health
Volume 3, August 2024.
The Progress and Future of Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Care: A Review The Open Public Health Journal 09 May 2024.
National Academy of Medicine: Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: the Hope, the Hype, the Promise, the Peril
Artificial Intelligence in Health, Health Care, and Biomedical Science: An AI Code of Conduct Principles and Commitments Discussion
nature: Innovations In AI and digital health
Science Daily: Artificial Intelligence News