Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Response
Disaster/Emergency Preparedness & Response
Nurses: Disaster Preparedness & Response
Nursing Disaster-Response Competencies
Teaching Disaster Nursing Competencies: Strategies to Succeed
RN Response Network
ASPR: Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response
Disaster Lit: Resource Guide for Disaster Medicine and Public Health
Emergency Access Initiative
The Emergency Access Initiative (EAI) is a partnership of the National Library of Medicine, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, and the Professional/Scholarly Publishing Division of the Association of American Publishers and other publishers. EAI provides temporary free access to full text articles from major biomedicine titles to healthcare professionals, librarians, and the public affected by disasters.
NACCHO: National Association of County and City Health Officials
NACCHO Directory of Local Health Departments
Indiana Department of Health Emergency Preparedness Local Readiness
Indiana District 6 Healthcare Coalition
Indiana 211 Can Help
CHEMM: Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management
PubChem: National Library of Medicine Chemical Information
REMM: Radiation Emergency Medical Management